Egon Kuba

Egon Kuba was born on 24 November 1920 in Wien, Österreich (Vienna, Austria).
The first letter is from Egon to someone back home, it must have been to his girlfriend or wife.
Its dated 14-7-1944 and written in Sütterlin writing, here is a translation of the letter to normal German:

Liebe Gerda,
das Schicksal hat heute den Tag bestimmt an dem ich heute in den Einsatz gehe.
Mach Dir keine Sorgen um mich, Dein Stern wird weiter mein Behüter sein.
Bleibe Gesund und schreibe mir bald.
Es grüßt Dich mit vielen Küssen, Dein Egon
Grüße Elter von mir.

And here in English:

Dear Gerda,
today the fate made the decision that today i will have my (first) sortie.
Don't be worried about me, your star will continue to be my guardian.
Keep well and write soon.
Regards and a lot of kisses, Your Egon

Give my regards to (the) parents.

The second letter is from his Kompanieführer to his mom, notifying that Egon was missing in action.
He got missing 2 days after he wrote the first letter. Here is a rough translation of the letter:

Dear Miss Kuba!

It is my duty, to let you know, that your son Egon got MIA on 16.7.1944 at
the heavy defence fights south-east of Lemberg.
All the investigation inquiries by the Kompanie are without results.

On 16.7.1944 the enemy started a big offensive and the Kompanie had to change
its positions further back because of the danger of encirclement.
Because the investigations about the location of your son are not finished yet,
there is still a chance that your son is in a Lazaret or that he got taken prisonner.

As soon as something about your son is known in the Kompanie, we let you know.
If you hear something from or about your son in the meantime, please let the Kompanie
know with a message.

In the hope that this will have a happy ending, i give you the best regards/greetings.


Unfortunately Egon Kuba never made it back home. He probably died south-east of Lemberg.
His body was never found and could still be on the battlefield today.
His name is written on the memorial in the graveyard of Potelitsch, Ukraine.